Discover how our UX/UI designers and product strategists improve an app's user experience and fill product backlogs with quick wins in 2023.
Download our free guide to conducting your own B2B SaaS UX audit.

Prepping your B2B SaaS product to support your desired growth trajectory is essential to scaling your business. Your increased volume of users and sales means that you’ve likely found product-market fit, but it also may mean that you’re seeing some holes in your initial product user experience.

Investing in user experience design should be ongoing, but we’ve created this UX audit guide to help you jump-start your UX improvement backlog with both quick wins that deliver high ROI and larger opportunities to consider for your roadmap ahead.

Improve your in-app product onboarding experience, frame dashboards and navigation around user priorities, and reduce friction or the number of clicks in key user workflows to reduce customer service operational costs and increase customer retention. These investments will also help you sell more subscriptions or licenses by making your product shine in free trials or product demos.

We will walk you through a condensed version of our team’s process for conducting full UX audits for clients so you can go through a quick version of our exercise with your own team to generate a backlog of high ROI quick wins.

You'll learn
  • Our teams approach to conducting user experience audits for SaaS products
  • Quick wins for high return-on-investment (ROI) and priorities for 2023 product roadmaps
  • Improvements to reduce onboarding friction and increase customer retention
  • How to utilize user research to frame dashboards and navigation around your user's priorities
Free UX audit download and checklist for B2B SaaS, written by a UX design agency Scenic West Design
Scenic West Design Team
We're your on-demand team of Product Strategists and UX/UI Designers that create user-centered product experience that scale for B2B SaaS and E-commerce companies.
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